
Environmental risk meter, enviriskometer

Articulated low profile robot vacuum cleaner

Air-source heat pump inside unit with dryer hose connector for e.g. hair dryer

Heat pump kettle

Alarm clock with daylight saving time switch

Wireless tooth cam

Solar booster for air source heat pump

Solar assisted air source heat pump

Integrated solar collector and thermal storage for the northern climate

Extra large air/radon/vapor barrier membrane

Special sauna stove as a solar energy storage

Adjustable umbrella handle

Portable solar power station

Beltsonde for deep-water research

Digital solar panel

Very safe dedicated writing computer using TV as a monitor

Knockbox eliminator: coffee puck remover

Rotating scissor stand for solar panels

Electric airship shuttle

Flying matrix - crash resilient aircraft

Electric aircraft engine and battery module ejection system

Solar powered portable nighttime air conditioner

Electric kayak

Battery belt

Refrigerator with integrated air purifier

Camera phone

Compact electric torch with integrated charger

Electric aeroplane engine with integrated rechargeable battery

48 V power and data network system

Stackable 48 V rechargeable battery module system

Solar jug